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Factory installed insulated metal panel system

Dogwood industries is now offering our rapidly deployable panelized system with high performance insulated metal panels (IMP). Insulated metal panels offer the highest levels of thermal performance, but are typically costly and time consuming to install.  Dogwood’s approach eliminates the least desirable aspects of IMP’s by eliminating all field cutting and waste with installation of the panels to our prefabricated frames completed in the factory. The panelized construction not only drastically reduces field labor, but eliminates material handling risks, shipping damage, and specialty lifting equipment.  Leading edge work is also eliminated and roof work is greatly reduced. Our IMP system design reduces thermal transmission common in traditional metal buildings making these structures suitable for all climate zones including arctic locations. The end result is the best building envelope available in a rapidly deployable package, suitable for both temporary/relocatable and permanent installations.


New and improved ConTEMProof system

Dogwood Industries is proud to announce the newly designed universal beams for the ConTEMProof. The universal beams have multiple attachment points along the cross beams allowing the end user to mount the roof on either the inside or outside of the containers. Also, creating the ability to expand the interior clearance between the containers.


Powered Structures

Powered Structures is a patent pending plug & play wiring system that leverages the benefits of our Olympic Folding Building panelized construction method to bring your complete building system on line faster than ever before. Just how fast is fast? Our system decreases electrical installation times by a factor of 10! A quick connect "plug & play" fittings, and simple installation details remove all wiring downstream of the distribution panel. Imagine a complete building with electrical systems up and running in one week. Better still, the system disassembles just as easily, so you experience savings with each relocation of your building asset.